Certified Signature on an Original Document

Certified Signature on an Original Document

From $8.00
per signature

When you need a signature notarized on an original document, I offer a seamless and convenient service that saves you time and effort. For $8 per notarized signature, plus 0.67 cents per mile (roundtrip) and a $5 mobile convenience charge, I will meet you wherever you are within Maryland or at our designated location. Whether it's for legal, personal, or business purposes, having your documents notarized by a professional ensures that everything is done correctly and legally binding.

Life is busy, and sometimes making time to get documents notarized can feel overwhelming. That’s why I provide mobile services to meet you where it’s most convenient for you. Let me handle the notarization process so you can focus on more important matters. Reach out to schedule your appointment today.

Cost: $8.00 per seal and up depending on the document.

Quick Assistance at Your Fingertips

Have questions or need to schedule a notary appointment? Fill out the form below, and I’ll respond promptly. Let’s handle your documents with ease!